Meet the team

We're team M.A.Z.E., a four-person team who thrives on challenges. Our name is a playful acronym formed from our own names, representing our collaborative spirit and love for exploring new ideas. Like adventurers navigating the maze of healthcare sustainability, we approach this project with curiosity and a knack for finding creative solutions.
Team members:
Madeleine Koh (UXUI Designer), Product Designer

Audrey Kon (Lead Developer), Senior Nurse Clinician
Zacary Tan (UXUI Designer), Civil Engineer
Elton Tay (Business Development Strategist), Doctor
Problem statement
The healthcare sector contributes a total of 4.4% of global carbon emissions
(2019), with 71% stemming from the healthcare supply chain, from production,
transport and disposal of medical items such as medication. In Singapore,
a NUS survey revealed that out of 400 participants, 95% of participants
had experienced excess medication that ended up being wasted. We have identified
3 main medication wastes: Left over (over prescribed), left to expire (when
reaching expiry dates), and left behind (after patients pass on).
Currently excess unused medication are disposed as general wastes, and
result not only in the unnecessary carbon emissions generated in its production,
but also potentially pollutes the environment if disposal is not performed
The lack of an accessible, transparent and safe system for the redistribution
of unused medication leads to unnecessary waste, environmental harm and
missed opportunities to improved equitable healthcare.
Proposed solution
We aim to create an online platform to redistribute excess unused medication to other healthcare providers who have needy recipients that require them.