Meet the team

Over here at The Recyclable Network, we consist of teammates from various walks of life, united by a common goal: achieving a zero-waste, circular future. Fun Fact: Our team name, RecycleMate, is inspired by our goal to be your best mate in recycling efforts, helping you make eco-friendly choices with ease!
RecycleMate symbolizes our mission to support and encourage recycling, emphasizing the companionship and assistance we offer to our users in their journey toward a circular economy.
Team members: John Chua (Product Manager), Claire Ng (UX/UI), Yin Joe (Software Engineer)
Problem statement
As of 2022, Singapore's recycling rate is 57%, falling short of the 2030
target of 70% (NEA). Despite increasing environmental awareness, many consumers
struggle with proper recycling due to confusion about recyclable materials
and varying guidelines. This leads to contaminated recycling streams and
increased waste.
Traditional educational methods have proven insufficient. Our user survey
revealed that although 77.3% of respondents recycle regularly (at least
once a month), they encounter two major challenges: 68.2% feel they lack
adequate information on what can be recycled, and 63.6% are confused about
proper recycling procedures.
Proposed solution
RecycleMate is a mobile app designed to simplify and enhance recycling
practices in Singapore. Our app provides users with easy access to micro-recyclers
and simplifies the identification of recyclable items.
Users can use our in bulit image recognition to easily check if an item
is recyclable by breaking it down into its constitutent waste streams.