Meet the team

Hello we are Team Muscat! We're a group of passionate students committed
to tackling environmental challenges, with a specific focus on addressing
human-wildlife relationships🦎👫🐒.
As Singapore progresses towards becoming a City in Nature, urbanization
intensifies interactions between people and wildlife, necessitating innovative
solutions to ensure harmonious coexistence🍃. We thus hope to bridge the
knowledge gap and empower Singaporeans to navigate human-wildlife interactions
Team members: Fun Jolie, Valerine Cheow, Liam Wells Ayathan, Seah Ying Ting
Problem statement
Studies by CITES have shown that every year, hundreds of humans and thousands
of animals are injured due to human-wildlife conflicts.
With Singapore's mission of becoming a City in Nature, there is an increase
in green spaces and nature corridors islandwide. While this enhances urban
biodiversity and brings nature closer to residents, it also attracts wildlife
into urban areas. This shift has led to an inevitable rise in human-wildlife
Members of the public often look to government agencies like NParks to
help them resolve such issues. As such NParks receives minimally 10,000
emails annually. Responding to these queries swiftly is difficult, resulting
in members of the public feeling lost in navigating these issues, which
could lead to either animals or humans getting injured due to improper
action being taken.
How can we then encourage appropriate reactions and actions from people
when they encounter wildlife in their backyards by equipping them with
the knowledge and assistance they need in light of such situations?
Proposed solution
Our solution will be centred on Telegram where we will create a chatbot which is able to connect members of the public with community wildlife experts when they encounter wild animals and require guidance in responding to human-wildife interactions.