Let's Kaypoh (Eldercare)
Supporting Seniors - Socially isolated seniors

Like Bob the Builder (of good).
Team members:
Ker Yang Low, Product Manager
Eileen Chua, UIUX Designer
Nicholas Lim, Software Engineer
Josephine Agatha Hemingway, Software Engineer
Problem Statement
Singapore’s ageing population is rapidly growing, with nearly 1 million
seniors expected by 2030. Among them, many are less active or social, putting
them at risk of isolation, which affects their health and well-being. Despite
government efforts and volunteer programs, this issue persists.
Although there are an overwhelming number of citizens (95% of survey respondents)
that would like to help these socially-isolated seniors, only 2% of our
survey respondents actually volunteer with the elderly. This is because
face a few key barriers in doing so: fear of regular commitment (48%),
language barrier with the elderly (45%), and it being too time-consuming
Proposed Solution
Let's Kaypoh is a platform that rallies the community to discover and
check-in on nearby socially isolated elderly, reducing the reliance of
senior monitoring on AACs and befriender organisations, and decreasing
senior loneliness.
Through a pilot conducted with SASCO West Coast AAC, Let's Kaypoh has
facilitated 10 senior visits by 20 volunteers, and consolidated data on
overall senior wellbeing for the AAC to monitor.