Meet the team

Team members: Jackson Ng (Data Science), Ritwik Jha (Data Science), Ervin Cheng (Software Engineer), Nazrul Syahmi (Software Engineer), Indraneel Paranjape (Software Engineer)
Problem statement
Due to climate change and urbanisation, Singapore’s nature areas are under
threat of adverse changes and deforestation. Without proper intervention,
animals face habitat loss, forced local relocation (possibly into less-than-ideal
areas), migration, or death. Singapore is home to over 500 native species
of birds and many unique species such as the Malayan flying lemur, and
acts as a pitstop for migratory species like the Common Greenshank. Thus,
it is essential for us to preserve our biodiversity and natural heritage
in the face of our rapid urbanization and climate change.
When Government organisations and other enterprises work on projects involving
nature, they perform an Environment Impact Analysis (EIA) to mitigate harm
to the environment, and this involves the identification of wildlife species
in a given area. However, data processing is a major hurdle in this process.
While data collection using audio recorders is the preferred cost-effective
method, there is a severe lack of tools performing species identification,
especially for species common to South-East Asia. Without such tools, audio
data collection and processing becomes very laborious and ineffective,
potentially reducing EIAs accuracy and leading to construction decisions
that are less informed and may risk a net harm to our biodiversity. This
is the problem we address with Koel.
Proposed solution
To create an application that automates animal identification from bioacoustic
data. Nature groups, academic researchers and government employees will
be able to submit audio files to be batch processed to receive insights
on biodiversity data in the region.
Number and types of species from all submissions will be made available
on a geospatial visualization tool to enable biodiversity tracking and
environmental impact assessments without labourious manual processing.
This tool improves the accuracy and efficiency of EIAs (Environmental
Impact Assessments), and helps reduce uninformed decision-making that may
introduce a net harm to our natural environment.